Thanks to all who replied to last weeks topic. "What do you think about phasing out textbooks in an online course." Though the sample size was small and perhaps biased toward the online environment it was helpful to read your ideas, with most commenting that is was a good idea. At each of our monthly teacher meeting the subject comes up in some way or another. Many teachers are comfortable with the conversion, citing economics and efficiency as reasons. Others argue on the behalf of our students parents who have communicated a desire for having textbooks for the classes we teach. This could be a response from their own personal educational experiences or their tactile relationship to the written word. The discussion often becomes one of marketing, how do we make the parents comfortable with the decision to move away from textbooks. We did actually make some headway in this matter during the meeting as several promising strategies were discussed.
Producing and displaying reference materials that can be acquired by parents if desired. In addition the text in most cases can be printed and then read. Programs are also available that will read the text which can be helpful to certain students.
I have worked hard over the last several weeks to expand my findings and resources on the web by utilizing more diverse search engines and have been rewarded with a greater depth and variety of supplemental information for my students. This week I added net Trekker to my repertoire and immediately put it to work for me. While putting together a presentation for my biology class I use net Trekker to search for information on simple animals and the evolutionary trends in animals. It was very helpful in providing interesting and valuable links. This will be a tremendous asset for my science classes.
Once again I would like to thank you all for your input and I hope your finding these tools and useful and applicable as I am.