Friday, March 27, 2009

Computer History For Terry Johnson

My first experiences with computers took place with me as a spectator. My younger brother received a small computer from one of our Uncles. I do not remember what model the computer was but I do recall that it used cassette tapes for its programming. If I recall correctly (and this is in some doubt, from listening to child hood stories told by my brother and cross referencing with my own memories, let's just say one of us lived in an alternate universe. I fear it is me, due to the fact that I have very similar experiences with my wife's recollection of events as well. ) it played some basic games on a small black and white screen.

My next experience was described when I read the history of the computer on Wikipedia. I would go to class learn about the formatting of programming. I would receive a worksheet which I would follow to create a program. Then I would tax my typing skills to produce punch cards, a whole stack of these card board rectangles with holes literally punched in them. I then took the punch cards over to this large copy machine looking device called a computer. Here I fed the punch cards into a tray. At this point I would hang around trying to chat up as many girls as I could as we all waited for a large green and white striped printout to come spitting out of the machine with our names on them. This is where it really got exciting, I would lay out the paper and look for areas on the margin were errors where pointed out by the words Syntax Error. Which could have meant many different things but mostly just meant I miss typed one of the punch cards. So back to the typing, stacking, chatting, waiting and finally I would have a green and white striped paper without errors on it. I would proudly take this to the instructor and turn it in for a grade not knowing the slightest how the code I wrote functioned.

I graduated to using the computer as a word processor later in my teaching career. I bought one for my wife when she was going to school at Whitewater while working on her Computer Science degree. I then helped develop a multimedia lab at a school and was well on my way to being a experienced user, who knows very little about how a computer actually works .

Sunday, March 22, 2009

So lets review just what did we learn about in CeDO 515. This class started with the most useful of tools. The Delicious social bookmarking application has made working in remote locations and on my laptop magically easy. I have yet to set up the science department group but will get that done when we start the new year in the fall.

Week two material was fairly old hat as I use an online presentation tool several times a week. Though I was unaware that there were so many out there that could be used for free. With that it will be cool to have students working in Google docs on collaborative assignments in the near future. With that said weeks 3,4did a great job in setting up guidelines and structure for the implementation of collaborative and problem based learning activities.

Week 5 was both reflective and futuristic. It was interesting and helpful to set up goals based on what we have learned so far.

Finally it was interesting this week to follow-up our session on goal setting with a piece that looks forward to the barriers we will need to overcome in order to further our use of technology in our classrooms. I may be alone in my feelings on this but when reviewing what I do in my classrooms, I recognized there are new and exciting strategies that I am not using or if I am using them, they are not as tight and useful to my students as they could be. With that said, I continuously ask my self how I can implement the new ideas. This was a inner conversation I had from the start of this class, so many good ideas so little time to implement. After writing the paper I feel some of the barriers are not so high after all. With the warped and strange perspective of a motivated teacher overcoming the barriers could be considered opportunities. Yeah opportunities to improve the way I teach and the way my students learn. It reminds me of when you start a new work out program. You start with energy and vigor and see some pretty good results. Then you guessed it, you plateau or level off. The pounds do not drop and the weights don’t seem to get lighter. Though you are working hard and being productive the progress has slowed. To get to the next level you sometimes need to change-up your workout. Well the same thing applies to our professional lives as well. Time to get past some of those barriers and change-up my teaching!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 5 Technology learning plan

Most teachers would describe themselves as life-long learners. We learn about people and our topic while teaching our students it is part of the process. We are asked to complete teacher development course work of some kind. And for the most part take a interest in the field in which we teach, whether it is British literature or Biology. As instructors we most likely have an interest in learning effective teaching strategies, or in understanding how new technologies may enhance our students learning. The reading this week and our technology learning plan assignment are designed to focus our attention to more specifically what skills or technologies we plan to acquire or utilize in our classrooms.

Throughout the course I have read about and explored web technologies and specific guidelines for applying technology assisted learning activities. I have found many of the ideas and applications of the technologies helpful in my teaching at an administrative level. I have found many of the ideas intriguing with possible application for my online classroom. The technology learning plan is the motivation I needed to put some of these intriguing ideas to work.

My strengths would be that I have an large amount of experience teaching using computer technology. I am confident and secure in working with software and trying new approaches using technology. My weakness lies in the area of technology hardware and programing. I only had one semester of programing as a freshman in 1981 using Fortran. I also have very little understanding about how the hardware on a computer functions. I did not know about Web 2.0 technology until very recently and this has opened up a very large area of knowledge that I am just starting to explore. Further more I am learning much about technology teaching strategies that I may have utilized but did not fully understand. In addition I am a bit of a stick in the mud as I very much like to lecture.

Obviously it would be good for me to learn more about how computers function and more about how they do what they do. Specifically store information, find and connect to the internet. This would be helpful both personally and professionally as I am often asked to trouble shoot for my students daily in our online environment. It would also help me as I end up acting as an expert at many events my school holds. I am asked to set up the technology and then trouble shoot for all the students and teachers if any problems present themselves. I have also learned that there is so much out there concerning the Web 2.0 technology that I did not even know about. I have already increased my production and effectiveness as a teacher using many of the technologies presented in class and can see applications for many of the items listed in our class curriculum.

My Goals are as follows:
Goal 1: Integrate Problem based learning activity. I will modify my lesson 6 application projects for my biology class incorporating a PBL activity.

Goal 2: Integrate cooperative learning activity. I will develop a cooperative leaning activity for my environmental science class lesson 6 application project using web 2.0 technologies

these are goals I could complete prior to the end of my semester.

Goal 3: Learn about how computers work: I will learn from Mr. John Sklar in an upcoming class about this topic

How will I measure progress toward my goals?

I will complete my biology modification by April 27th and my cooperative learning activity by April 20th . I will develop an online surveys asking those who choose to complete this application project how it compares to other application projects they have done in this class this year. I will also collect copies of the artifacts produced. I will create a trouble shooting document for my own use and a list of resources from our class with Mr. Sklar.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

515 Week 4

I visited the InTime site and watched the video on ocean Exhibits.

Teacher: Julie McLaughlin
School: Smoky Valley High
City/State: Lindsborg, Kansas

Curriculum Area: Earth Science
Grade Level: 9

Video Number: 004kshs

The Oceans Exhibit consisted of having High school science students produce and present information to grade school students in a museum format. The students in the project took on the role of instructors and developed and delivered the hands on learning activities. The student's participated in a PBL type called Scenario challenge according to Gordon (1998). The strength of projects designed with the students teaching the material are many. One element is the authenticity of the activity. Students are working toward the goal of presenting a teacher the grade school children and therefore work with a high level of engagement. The process of teaching the material also tends to increase the level at which the students understand the material. Increased student involvement and a format that encourages active participation in the acquisition of the knowledge lead to effective learning.

The students are also free to be very creative in the way in which they demonstrate the understanding. The more creative the better as they will also need to capture the interest of the grade school children they will teach. The video of the reflective conversation the students had with the teacher also points to a deeper understanding of the process of learning and student attitudes.

All in all this section has made me think about which level I could implement more authentic activities for my students. We as a department have put in place several applications per semester that allow for some creativity on how students demonstrate understanding. Add problem based learning activities on an individual bases on as group activity would add to the online learning experience. I have yet to implement any group or collaborative work in the online environment and am considering what to do in this area as I believe it can be an effective tool in engaging students in the learning process.