Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 5 Technology learning plan

Most teachers would describe themselves as life-long learners. We learn about people and our topic while teaching our students it is part of the process. We are asked to complete teacher development course work of some kind. And for the most part take a interest in the field in which we teach, whether it is British literature or Biology. As instructors we most likely have an interest in learning effective teaching strategies, or in understanding how new technologies may enhance our students learning. The reading this week and our technology learning plan assignment are designed to focus our attention to more specifically what skills or technologies we plan to acquire or utilize in our classrooms.

Throughout the course I have read about and explored web technologies and specific guidelines for applying technology assisted learning activities. I have found many of the ideas and applications of the technologies helpful in my teaching at an administrative level. I have found many of the ideas intriguing with possible application for my online classroom. The technology learning plan is the motivation I needed to put some of these intriguing ideas to work.

My strengths would be that I have an large amount of experience teaching using computer technology. I am confident and secure in working with software and trying new approaches using technology. My weakness lies in the area of technology hardware and programing. I only had one semester of programing as a freshman in 1981 using Fortran. I also have very little understanding about how the hardware on a computer functions. I did not know about Web 2.0 technology until very recently and this has opened up a very large area of knowledge that I am just starting to explore. Further more I am learning much about technology teaching strategies that I may have utilized but did not fully understand. In addition I am a bit of a stick in the mud as I very much like to lecture.

Obviously it would be good for me to learn more about how computers function and more about how they do what they do. Specifically store information, find and connect to the internet. This would be helpful both personally and professionally as I am often asked to trouble shoot for my students daily in our online environment. It would also help me as I end up acting as an expert at many events my school holds. I am asked to set up the technology and then trouble shoot for all the students and teachers if any problems present themselves. I have also learned that there is so much out there concerning the Web 2.0 technology that I did not even know about. I have already increased my production and effectiveness as a teacher using many of the technologies presented in class and can see applications for many of the items listed in our class curriculum.

My Goals are as follows:
Goal 1: Integrate Problem based learning activity. I will modify my lesson 6 application projects for my biology class incorporating a PBL activity.

Goal 2: Integrate cooperative learning activity. I will develop a cooperative leaning activity for my environmental science class lesson 6 application project using web 2.0 technologies

these are goals I could complete prior to the end of my semester.

Goal 3: Learn about how computers work: I will learn from Mr. John Sklar in an upcoming class about this topic

How will I measure progress toward my goals?

I will complete my biology modification by April 27th and my cooperative learning activity by April 20th . I will develop an online surveys asking those who choose to complete this application project how it compares to other application projects they have done in this class this year. I will also collect copies of the artifacts produced. I will create a trouble shooting document for my own use and a list of resources from our class with Mr. Sklar.

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