Friday, August 21, 2009

Weeek 2 digital story telling

This week I wrote specifically about being creative, and then about how non-creative I am with my presentations. I create a presentation for each of my online classes once a week. That is roughly 80 presentation a semester. At this point my process has been to take last years power point look it over and add to it. Looking back this process has created some long boring and confusing presentations. I am very excited about taking a new and more creative approach to the process of creating my presentations. For one thing I have always felt compelled to include quite a bit of detail to my presentation as many of my students would be downloading the power point and using it a their main information source. This meant that I overloaded my in person presentation. Now I will create detailed handouts with references and links included for my students to access online. I will then attempt to create interesting interactive experiences for my synchrounous presentations. This will be better for my students and more fun for me as well. I can't wait to start doodling on those legal pads.


  1. You are in a very unique situation teaching online classes in this manner. In my class it is quite natural for conversation and elaboration to happen during a presentation, but I imagine you would need a different bag of tricks in the online course environment. I will be interested to see how presentation zen works for you in your unique environment.

  2. As Jason said, I would love to hear how you continue to apply the techniques presented in Presentation Zen into your online classes. I think it is great that you are going to provide a separate, detailed handout for your students to reference, in addition to a presentation. Please let us know if the extra work is worth the effort!

    I will be facilitating (not really teaching) a couple of online classes this year, and I am interested to see what it really entails!
