Sunday, November 1, 2009

3rd blog for 0535

This week I set up a flickr account, I had received photos from my brother on his account before and searched for pictures for projects in the past. I will be adding some picture of the basement project now that I have electrical set up and dry wall on the inside looks like a room.

I also set up a Google reader account and added a couple of feeds to it. I added classmate’s blogs as well. It looks like it will be a useful tool once I have used it for a while.

That reminds me I also set up a twitter account and never remember to tweet or follow any one but Louis.

So I will be going there next and seeing what he has been up to as well as looking to add folks to follow and RSS feeds to feed upon.


  1. You crack me up, Terry. I think there are a bunch of us who are forgetting to "tweet." Now that I've taken some time to explore Twitter, I like the idea of following certain organizations, such as Scholastic and another one that focuses on educational technology. I like the short listing of resources that pop up. As for my tweeting, however, I have yet to figure out how to best utilize Twitter. Quite honestly, I have nothing interesting nor worthwhile to tweet. And I admit to feeling a bit intimidated by others' tweets; so many sound too profound and clever for me. I could never stack up.

    I also have gotten my Flickr account going and like the potential. Also, I love having yet another place for me to dump my pictures (I have spread them thin between my personal computer, the school computer, Woodman's online and now Flickr). I would love to use this with my students but am not sure the best way to set up an account for them and appease the parents who would worry about their posting personal photos. Any thoughts?

  2. I find little use for Twitter and find myself forgetting about it also. I do like Flickr. I use Picasa also and like that. i find them similar except Flickr affers video uploads, Picasa doesn't. I'd like to see the pics of your basement. I have remodled two basements so far and I had a lt of fun doing it.
