Saturday, April 24, 2010

Third Blog for 555.

Building the portfolio using the Google Site has been helpful. After working on this class with so many online application it just seems appropriate and effective to use the online application to display what we have achieved.

Having standards as a guideline combined with the representative work from our master programs should produce a good representation of not only what we have done for the master program but also how we plan or have implemented what we have learned in to our teaching.

I am looking forward to the next couple of years with iQ as we re-write our online curriculum and I can move forward using the tools I have acquired in this program.

I am interested to learn how to make changes to my web pages (Culminating experience proposal) and I am excited about having the ability to develop my courses.


  1. Terry,

    I found it an interesting experience walking down amnesia lane to revisit old assignments and then try to figure out which standards they met. Although seemingly a cart before the horse exercise (sorry for the cliche) it was amazing how what we accomplished fit nicely into the standards. And now we have completed that next step and have a tidy portfolio to draw upon for future classroom activities. It was quite a challenge finding assignments that I thought were worthy of an merit, yet it was also amazing to see all the things we have accomplished.
    I will be interested to see your culminating project. Being that you are entrenched in an online environment, I am sure that you have significant expertise to be shared with fledglings like me. :)

  2. Terry, that has to be a good feeling to know that you are going to be able to take control of your portal with the kids. I know that you know what works best for your students and I imagine that the site interaction is a big part in how they interact with you. Good Luck, it will be interesting to see the results of your project when your finished.
