Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blog 2 for 555

Thanks for all the support and comments on the last post. Now that we are wading in the muck of the portfolio pond, with the help of John and the rest of my colleagues I feel I am able to keep my head above water.

I am at the point were I am gathering artifacts for my list of standards. Yes as John has pointed out this is a good time to reflect on what I have been doing in my classes. It is also good timing as my district is moving to a criterion based grading system based on common assessments which are all based on common Learning Targets.

I am far from convinced this is a productive education model but I am trying to stay open minded and learn as much as I can as we move forward with the implementation. No matter how I look at it is seems to be a method to find the lowest common denominator (dumbing down anyone)as the standard and make sure students understand those to some level. It may be just me but I kinda always taught each class of students I had individually, pushing just beyond their comfort level, not quite to panic though I did have to coach some of them on how to handle the discomfort of not being able to instantly understand a concept.

Now I am told I can teach more than what is in the Targets I just can't assess the learning...... ah what.......

Clearly I do not get it but as I am being pushed beyond my comfort level I am remaining calm, listening more than talking and working to better understand.


  1. Hopefully, you'll have someone who can assist you in the transition making the idea more accessible/comfortable to you. It seems very counter-intuitive to me as well - do you think it has to do with linear thinking of the science mind?

  2. This is for all academic disciplines not just science
